The Excitement Mechanism

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I've been thinking lately about the excitement mechanism.. It always moves in a simple pattern. What kind of simple pattern? Let me explain it to you..

We, humankind, will first find certain interest for ourselves (let's just call these many interests with 'it'). The closer into we are into 'it' and the more we understand 'it' will get us all excited.
And we are all fully understand that everything have it limits. These interests, will always made people more and more excited about 'it' until we reach the maximum excitement possible or the climax, the limit of 'it'. Then what comes next? Of course a dead end, or a fall down. We might get confused what to do next, or even lost our motivations and interest in 'it'.

Other example, our planet, we keep on build, build, and build it, we decorated our homes, we fill it with our own inventions, we shown our superiority to other inhabitants of our planet. But in the end, these achievements, these prides will be destroyed and we can do nothing about it. Just like the excitement itself, the more we excited, the more me reached the climax, and nothing left after that. The more we build, the faster we will be destroyed.

It's impossible to prevent everything from 'it's own end.. Then why bother rushing? Why don't we just slow down the progress? That way we can get a longer excitement and hopefully we'll get ourselves enough excitement before 'it' ends.
Before our world collapsing.. Isn't it?


prima siregar said...

hiwww... akhirnya kesampean ke sini :)

saya baca2 dulu baru ntar komen yaaa..


keep blogging!!


goki said...

hahaha, semoga tdk pening membacanya